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Aries Agro Limited - From Soil To Success

Aries Agro Limited is a multinational company in the agricultural sector. The company’s headquarters is based in Mumbai, India. Founded by Dr. T.B. Mirchandani and Mrs. Bala Mirchandani in 1969, it operates in India as well as in International countries. These include Nepal, the UAE, Taiwan, Australia, New Zealand, Chile, UK, among others.

Aries manufactures micronutrients and other nutritional products for plants and animals. Their products enhance traditional farming. Moreover, they cater to modern agricultural practices like hydroponics.


Aries Agro Ltd offers a comprehensive range of products. They enhance agricultural productivity and animal health. Their product portfolio has several categories to meet the needs of modern agriculture and livestock management. Let’s look at the main categories and types of products they offer:

Micronutrients & Plant Protection Products

Micronutrients are essential minerals for growth and development in plants. Aries micronutrient products contain various elements. These include Zinc, Copper, Manganese, Iron, Boron, and Molybdenum.

The company produces plant protection products. They safeguard crops from pests, diseases, and other threats. This allows for healthy growth and higher yields of crops.

Aqua Culture & Animal Nutrition

This range includes nutritional and organic products. They maintain aquaculture health and enhance animal nutrition organically.

Crop Specific Products & High-Density Inputs

The company produces crop-specific products. These are organic solutions that boost production and quality in specific types of crops. Whereas, high-density inputs increase crop yields without the need for additional planting space. They are ideal for intensive farming practices.

Organic/Bio Products & Slow Release Fertilizers (Pastilles)

Aries made these products from biomass. They enhance soil fertility and plant health without the use of synthetic chemicals. Pastilles supply a steady stream of nutrients over time. This reduces the need for frequent applications and confirms a longer-lasting impact.

Water Soluble NPK & Urban Products

Water-soluble fertilizers are rich in nutrients. They offer easy application through irrigation systems and provide balanced nutrition to plants. The company also produces urban products for urban farming. They are for gardening and small-scale agriculture in cities.

Associated Brands

Aries Agro Limited is associated with several brands. It has many companies under its umbrella because it is a renowned company in the field of agriculture and animal health. Their flagship brands include "Agromin" and "Chelamin".


Agromin is a micronutrient fertilizer introduced by Aries Agro in 1975. This was the first chelated micronutrient and was an innovation in plant nutrients at that time.


Chelamin was introduced in 1976.  It is a chelated zinc product that expands Aries Agro’s portfolio in specialized plant nutrition.


The company has received numerous awards and recognitions. Some of the recognitions include:

  • Asia’s Best Employer Brand Awards 2023 for "Dream Company to Work For"
  • Asia’s Best CSR Practices Award 2023 for "Best Overall Excellence in CSR"
  • The Best Agriculture Company by Bizspeak Solutions.

Additionally, it has been recognized by The CEO Story as the Iconic Brand of the Year 2022. It was also awarded as “Business Brand as the Most Reliable Brand 2022”.

Research & Development

Aries Agro has a strong focus on research and development (R&D). It has given innovative state-of-the-art products to farmers. Firstly, they introduced Chelation Technology to India. This created crop-specific formulations of multi-micronutrient mixtures. Secondly, they have developed over 150+ notified formulations to meet various state governments' specifications.

Additionally, they have collaborated with agricultural universities and research institutes for field testing in various agro-climatic zones. In-house testing labs and field trials support their R&D efforts. The company also emphasizes quality control. They make sure that QMS ISO 9001:2015 standards are being met.

Financial Conditions

Aries Agro Ltd.’s 10-year compounded sales growth is recorded at 7% and a profit growth of 1%. Recently, the company experienced a 20% compounded profit growth. Additionally, their share price shows a significant growth of 62% increase over the last year.


To summarize, Aries Agro produces agricultural products. Their base lies in India. However, due to their excellent product portfolio, they are sold internationally. These products are for both urban and traditional farming. They develop products for plants as well as for livestock.

Aries has associated brands to help increase their revenue. They have acclaimed various recognitions from across the globe. Moreover, they have taken steps in the research and development and introduced products like Chelamin in the market. Their financial position indicates the overall growth of the company.